Geniu$$ писал(а):
На "ближнем" адпаке можно посмотреть дебаг? приходит на него что-то?
Я запустил debug на двух Add200D, сделал звонок со своего Add200D на "дальний" Add200D и с него "вернулся" на свой Add200D.
Ближний# [883.340] VM(0/1/0) Rx FXO Ring Actv
[883.340] VM(0/1/0) Tx RING_IND
77 <CEP 000100> : Call Received
[884.340] VM(0/1/0) Rx FXO Ring Idle
[884.340] VM(0/1/0) FXO OffHook
[884.340] VM(0/1/0) vopp enable
[884.340] VM(0/1/0) play Dial tone
[884.340] VM(0/1/0) Tx OFFHOOK_IND
78 <CEP 000100> : Call Initiated : calledNumber() crv(0) total(0)
79 <Call 5> : ****************** Call Created status(InitiatedByFXO) *******************
80 <CEP 000100> : Calling number()
81 <CEP 000100> : Call id(ec67cc4b-51c0-6b99-8009-0002a40483b4) callNum(5)
[888.070] VM(0/1/0) Tx DIGIT_IND 'A'
[888.070] VM(0/1/0) play mute
82 <Call 5> : Digit(A) at InitiatedByFXO
83 <Call 5> : MatchedPartially
[888.700] VM(0/1/0) Tx DIGIT_IND 'B'
84 <Call 5> : Digit(B) at CalleeUndetermined
85 <Call 5> : MatchedPartially
[889.080] VM(0/1/0) Tx DIGIT_IND 'C'
86 <Call 5> : Digit(C) at CalleeUndetermined
87 <Call 5> : MatchedAll
88 <Time 5> : Inter digit timer timeout.
89 <Call 5> : Digit(#) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
90 <Call 5> : digitsReceived(ABC)
91 <Call 5> : MatchAllProcess After Sorted
<0> id(201) dest(ABCF) prefer(1)selected(1)
92 <Call 5> : Initiate callee with dial-peer(ABCF) status(CalleeDeterminedAll) id(ec67cc4b-51c0-6b99-8009-0002a40483b4)
93 <NetEP 5> : InitiateOutCall: calledNum(ABC) callingNum() target(83.**.**.**)
94 <NetEP 5> : DoCall: calledAddr(********@83.**.**.**) callingAddr()
[890.080] VM(0/1/0) set T38 enable
[890.080] VM(0/1/0) set T38 mode STD
[890.080] VM(0/1/0) Fax rate 9600
95 <H323 5> : local capabilities.
number of capabilities = 7
1 : g711alaw-64k
2 : g711ulaw-64k
3 : g729B-8k
4 : g7231A-6.3k
5 : T.38
6 : UserInput/basicString
7 : UserInput/hookflash
96 <H225 5> : Try signalling TCP connect (83.**.**.**:1720)
97 <H225 5> : Signalling TCP connect success (5)
98 <Q931 5> : Send SETUP
[890.135] RTA(0/1/0) Rx RS_LISTEN_REQ callId=5 ssId=1 G729A
peer= mp=23000/23001 hp=0/0
[890.135] VM(0/1/0) codec same G729A
99 <Q931 5> : Received CALL PROCEEDING
100 <Chan 5> : Open - number(101) direction(receive) session(voice) codec(g711alaw-64k)
- Local : Data(23000) Cont(23001) Addr(192.**.*.**)
- Remote : Data(23002) Cont(23003) DataAddr(83.**.**.**) ContAddr(83.**.**.**)
101 <Q931 5> : Received PROGRESS
102 <Q931 5> : Received Progress Indicator : desc(8), coding(0), location(0)
103 <H245 5> : Send TCS request.
104 <Q931 5> : Send FACILITY
105 <H245 5> : Send MSD request.
106 <Q931 5> : Send FACILITY
107 <Call 5> : Progress from(ffffffff)
108 <Q931 5> : Received CONNECT
109 <H225 5> : Remote Endpoint (AddPac VoIP,8.23,97,0,22)
110 <Call 5> : Connected from(ffffffff)
[890.230] RTA(0/1/0) Rx AP_SVC_REQ nSvcElem=1 rawDataLen=0
[890.230] VM(0/1/0) VAD disable
[890.230] VM(0/1/0) SID enable by CCC
[890.230] RTA(0/1/0) Rx CC_CONNECT_RSP peerId(0/0/0)
[890.230] VM(0/1/0) Fax enable
[890.230] VM(0/1/0) play mute
111 <NetEP 5> : Call with voip.192.**.**.** established
112 <Chan 5> : Open - number(101) direction(receive) session(voice) codec(g711alaw-64k)
- Local : Data(23000) Cont(23001) Addr(192.**.**.**)
- Remote : Data(23002) Cont(23003) DataAddr(83.**.**.**) ContAddr(83.**.**.**)
113 <Chan 5> : Open - number(101) direction(transmit) session(voice) codec(g711alaw-64k)
- Local : Data(23000) Cont(23001) Addr(192.**.**.**)
- Remote : Data(23002) Cont(23003)DataAddr(83.**.**.**) ContAddr(83.**.**.**)
[890.230] RTA(0/1/0) Rx RS_OPEN_REQ callId=5 ssId=1 G711A
peer=83.**.**.** mp=23000/23001 hp=23002/23003
[890.235] VM(0/1/0) vopp idle
[890.235] VM(0/1/0) start codec replace timer to G711A
114 <Q931 5> : Received FACILITY
[890.240] VM(0/1/0) discard voice under codec replace
115 <H245 5> : Received TCS request.
116 <H245 5> : remote capabilities matching to local capabilities.
number of capabilities = 7
1 : g711alaw-64k
2 : g711ulaw-64k
3 : g729B-8k
4 : g7231A-6.3k
5 : T.38
6 : UserInput/basicString
7 : UserInput/hookflash
117 <H245 5> : Send TCS ack.
118 <Q931 5> : Send FACILITY
119 <Q931 5> : Received FACILITY
120 <H245 5> : Received MSD request.
121 <H245 5> : Send MSD ack.
122 <Q931 5> : Send FACILITY
123 <Q931 5> : Received FACILITY
124 <H245 5> : Received TCS ack..
[890.280] VM(0/1/0) under codec replace to G711A
[890.280] VM(0/1/0) Rx RTP replace codec to G711A
125 <Q931 5> : Received FACILITY
126 <H245 5> : Received MSD ack.
[890.295] VM(0/1/0) vopp enable
[890.295] VM(0/1/0) codec replaced to G711A
[890.295] VM(0/1/0) Fax enable
[890.295] VM(0/1/0) play mute
[892.175] VM(0/1/0) Tx DIGIT_IND '2'
127 <Call 5> : Digit(2) at Established
128 <H245 5> : Send UserInputIndication(2)
129 <Q931 5> : Send FACILITY
[892.955] VM(0/1/0) Tx DIGIT_IND '9'
130 <Call 5> : Digit(9) at Established
131 <H245 5> : Send UserInputIndication(9)
132 <Q931 5> : Send FACILITY
[895.785] VM(0/1/0) Tx DIGIT_IND 'А'
133 <Call 5> : Digit(A) at Established
134 <H245 5> : Send UserInputIndication(A)
135 <Q931 5> : Send FACILITY
[896.395] VM(0/1/0) Tx DIGIT_IND 'B'
136 <Call 5> : Digit(9) at Established
137 <H245 5> : Send UserInputIndication(B)
138 <Q931 5> : Send FACILITY
139 <Q931 5> : Received FACILITY
140 <H245 5> : Received EndSession command.
141 <Q931 5> : Send FACILITY
142 <Q931 5> : Received RELEASE COMPLETE
[903.620] RTA(0/1/0) Rx RS_CLOSE_REQ callId=5 ssId=1 dir=reve
143 <Chan 5> : Close - number(101) direction(receive)
[903.620] RTA(0/1/0) Rx RS_CLOSE_REQ callId=5 ssId=1 dir=forw
[903.620] RTA(0/1/0) close Media socket
[903.620] RTA(0/1/0) close RTCP socket
144 <Chan 5> : Close - number(101) direction(transmit)
145 <Call 5> : Terminated from(ffffffff) this(Remote:CallClear) before(NULL) forced(0)
146 <CEP 000100> : DisconnectCall at Busy
147 <CEP 000100> : StopSignal
[903.625] RTA(0/1/0) Rx AP_SVC_REQ nSvcElem=1 rawDataLen=0
[903.625] VM(0/1/0) play mute
148 <CEP 000100> : Disconnect (0)
[903.625] RTA(0/1/0) Rx CC_DISCONN_REQ CZ=0, peerId(0/0/0)
[903.625] VM(0/1/0) vopp idle
[903.625] VM(0/1/0) FXO OnHook
[903.625] VM(0/1/0) Tx DISCONN_CNF
149 <NetEP 5> : Call TO <voip.192.**.**.**> terminated reason(Remote:CallClear)
150 <CEP 000100> : Disconnected(16) at Disconnecting
Дальний# 198 <Call 52> : ****************** Call Created status(InitiatedByNet) *******************
199 <NetCon 52> : Found inbound voip peer by IP address id(100)
200 <H323 52> : local capabilities.
number of capabilities = 7
1 : g711alaw-64k
2 : g711ulaw-64k
3 : g729B-8k
4 : g7231A-6.3k
5 : T.38
6 : UserInput/basicString
7 : UserInput/hookflash
201 <H225 52> : Remote Endpoint (AddPac VoIP,8.23,97,0,22)
202 <Q931 52> : Received SETUP from (80.--.--.--) : FastStart(1) Tunneling(1)
203 <Call 52> : From Net - calledParty(-----------) callingParty()
204 <Call 52> : MatchedAll
205 <Call 52> : MatchAllProcess After Sorted
<0> id(2) dest(100T) prefer(0) selected(21)
<1> id(1) dest(100T) prefer(0) selected(18)
206 <Call 52> : Initiate callee with dial-peer(100T) status(CalleeDeterminedAll) id(ec67cc4b-51c0-6b99-8009-0002a40483b4)
207 <CEP 000100> : InitiateOutCall : calledNum(), callingNum(), callerPort(ffffffff) type(FXO)
[270286.290] RTA(0/1/0) Rx CC_OFFHOOK_REQ peerId(-1)
[270286.290] VM(0/1/0) FXO OffHook
[270286.290] VM(0/1/0) vopp enable
[270286.290] VM(0/1/0) Fax enable
[270286.290] VM(0/1/0) play mute
[270286.290] VM(0/1/0) Tx CONNECT_CNF
208 <CEP 000100> : Outbound call to CEP callId(ec67cc4b-51c0-6b99-8009-0002a40483b4) callNum(52)
[270286.290] VM(0/1/0) set T38 enable
[270286.290] VM(0/1/0) set T38 mode STD
[270286.290] VM(0/1/0) Fax rate 9600
209 <Chan 52> : Open - number(101) direction(transmit) session(voice) codec(g711alaw-64k)
- Local : Data(23002) Cont(23003) Addr(192.**.**.**)
- Remote : Data(23000) Cont(23001) DataAddr(80.--.--.--) ContAddr(80.--.--.--)
[270286.295] RTA(0/1/0) Rx AP_SVC_REQ nSvcElem=1 rawDataLen=0
[270286.295] VM(0/1/0) VAD disable
[270286.295] RTA(0/1/0) Rx RS_OPEN_REQ callId=52 ssId=1 G711A
peer=80.--.--.-- mp=23002/23003 hp=23000/23001
[270286.295] VM(0/1/0) vopp idle
[270286.295] VM(0/1/0) start codec replace timer to G711A
210 <Q931 52> : Send CALL PROCEEDING
211 <Q931 52> : build PROGRESS (without h245 address)
212 <Q931 52> : Send PROGRESS (fast)
[270286.305] VM(0/1/0) discard voice under codec replace
213 <Call 52> : Connected from(100)
[270286.305] RTA(0/1/0) Rx AP_SVC_REQ nSvcElem=1 rawDataLen=0
[270286.310] VM(0/1/0) VAD disable
[270286.310] VM(0/1/0) SID enable by CCC
214 <Call 52> : Connected from(ffffffff)
215 <NetEP 52> : Call with voip.192.--.--.-- established
216 <Chan 52> : Open - number(101) direction(receive) session(voice) codec(g711alaw-64k)
- Local : Data(23002) Cont(23003) Addr(192.**.**.**)
- Remote : Data(23000) Cont(23001) DataAddr(80.--.--.--) ContAddr(80.--.--.--)
[270286.310] RTA(0/1/0) Rx RS_LISTEN_REQ callId=52 ssId=1 G711A
peer=80.--.--.-- mp=23002/23003 hp=23000/23001
217 <Chan 52> : Open - number(101) direction(transmit) session(voice) codec(g711alaw-64k)
- Local : Data(23002) Cont(23003) Addr(192.**.**.**)
- Remote : Data(23000) Cont(23001) DataAddr(80.--.--.--) ContAddr(80.--.--.--)
218 <Q931 52> : Send CONNECT
219 <H245 52> : Send TCS request.
220 <Q931 52> : Send FACILITY
221 <H245 52> : Send MSD request.
222 <Q931 52> : Send FACILITY
[270286.355] VM(0/1/0) vopp enable
[270286.355] VM(0/1/0) codec replaced to G711A
[270286.355] VM(0/1/0) Fax enable
[270286.355] VM(0/1/0) play mute
223 <Q931 52> : Received FACILITY
224 <H245 52> : Received TCS request.
225 <H245 52> : remote capabilities matching to local capabilities.
number of capabilities = 7
1 : g711alaw-64k
2 : g711ulaw-64k
3 : g729B-8k
4 : g7231A-6.3k
5 : T.38
6 : UserInput/basicString
7 : UserInput/hookflash
226 <H245 52> : Send TCS ack.
227 <Q931 52> : Send FACILITY
228 <Q931 52> : Received FACILITY
229 <H245 52> : Received MSD request.
230 <H245 52> : Send MSD ack.
231 <Q931 52> : Send FACILITY
232 <Q931 52> : Received FACILITY
233 <H245 52> : Received TCS ack..
234 <Q931 52> : Received FACILITY
235 <H245 52> : Received MSD ack.
[270287.030] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv detected
[270287.030] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[26]: 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19
[270287.280] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv ignore
[270287.280] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[25]: 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20
[270287.540] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv detected
[270287.540] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[26]: 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20
[270287.790] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv ignore
[270287.790] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[25]: 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20
[270288.050] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv detected
[270288.050] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[26]: 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
[270288.300] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv ignore
[270288.300] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[25]: 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19
236 <Q931 52> : Received FACILITY
237 <H245 52> : Received UserInput.
238 <Call 52> : Digit(2) received by H.245 user input
239 <CEP 000100> : PlayDigit (2)
[270288.325] RTA(0/1/0) Rx CC_DIGIT_REQ '2' peerId(-1)
[270288.325] VM(0/1/0) play digit '2'
[270288.475] VM(0/1/0) play mute
240 <Q931 52> : Received FACILITY
241 <H245 52> : Received UserInput.
242 <Call 52> : Digit(9) received by H.245 user input
243 <CEP 000100> : PlayDigit (9)
[270289.105] RTA(0/1/0) Rx CC_DIGIT_REQ '9' peerId(-1)
[270289.105] VM(0/1/0) play digit '9'
[270289.255] VM(0/1/0) play mute
[270289.590] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv detected
[270289.590] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[26]: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19
[270289.595] VM(0/0/0) Rx FXO Ring Actv
[270289.595] VM(0/0/0) Tx RING_IND
244 <CEP 000000> : Call Received
[270289.840] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv ignore
[270289.840] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[25]: 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20
[270290.310] VM(0/0/0) Rx FXO Ring Idle
[270290.310] VM(0/0/0) FXO OffHook
[270290.310] VM(0/0/0) vopp enable
[270290.310] VM(0/0/0) play Dial tone
[270290.310] VM(0/0/0) Tx OFFHOOK_IND
245 <CEP 000000> : Call Initiated : calledNumber() crv(0) total(1)
246 <Call 53> : ****************** Call Created status(InitiatedByFXO) *******************
247 <CEP 000000> : Calling number()
248 <CEP 000000> : Call id(9c68cc4b-a431-6ab1-8019-0002a4048356) callNum(53)
[270290.360] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv detected
[270290.360] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[26]: 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20
[270290.610] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv ignore
[270290.610] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[25]: 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 38 23 23 23 23
[270290.625] VM(0/0/0) CDTC pBuf[26]: 10 10 10 10 02 03 04 09 02 03 04 10 02 02 04 12 02 02 04 04 22 21 23 23 24 24
[270290.870] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv detected
[270290.870] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[26]: 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 23 23
[270291.120] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv ignore
[270291.120] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[25]: 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 22 22
[270291.380] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv detected
[270291.380] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[26]: 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23
[270291.630] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv ignore
[270291.630] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[25]: 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22
[270291.890] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv detected
[270291.890] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[26]: 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23
249 <Q931 52> : Received FACILITY
250 <H245 52> : Received UserInput.
251 <Call 52> : Digit(A) received by H.245 user input
252 <CEP 000100> : PlayDigit (A)
[270291.935] RTA(0/1/0) Rx CC_DIGIT_REQ 'A' peerId(-1)
[270291.935] VM(0/1/0) play digit 'A'
[270291.985] VM(0/0/0) Tx DIGIT_IND 'A'
[270291.985] VM(0/0/0) play mute
253 <Call 53> : Digit(A) at InitiatedByFXO
254 <Call 53> : MatchedPartially
[270292.085] VM(0/1/0) play mute
[270292.140] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv ignore
[270292.140] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[25]: 22 22 22 22 22 20 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
255 <Q931 52> : Received FACILITY
256 <H245 52> : Received UserInput.
257 <Call 52> : Digit(9) received by H.245 user input
258 <CEP 000100> : PlayDigit (B)
[270292.545] RTA(0/1/0) Rx CC_DIGIT_REQ 'B' peerId(-1)
[270292.545] VM(0/1/0) play digit 'B'
[270292.595] VM(0/0/0) Tx DIGIT_IND 'B'
259 <Call 53> : Digit(B) at CalleeUndetermined
260 <Call 53> : MatchedAll
[270292.695] VM(0/1/0) play mute
261 <Time 53> : Inter digit timer timeout.
262 <Call 53> : Digit(#) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
263 <Call 53> : digitsReceived(AB)
264 <Call 53> : MatchAllProcess After Sorted
<0> id(101) dest(ABF) prefer(1) selected(4)
265 <Call 53> : Initiate callee with dial-peer(ABF) status(CalleeDeterminedAll) id(9c68cc4b-a431-6ab1-8019-0002a4048356)
266 <NetEP 53> : InitiateOutCall: calledNum(AB) callingNum() target(80.**.**.**)
267 <NetEP 53> : DoCall: calledAddr(------@80.**.**.**) callingAddr()
[270293.600] VM(0/0/0) set T38 enable
[270293.600] VM(0/0/0) set T38 mode STD
[270293.600] VM(0/0/0) Fax rate 9600
268 <H323 53> : local capabilities.
number of capabilities = 7
1 : g711alaw-64k
2 : g711ulaw-64k
3 : g729B-8k
4 : g7231A-6.3k
5 : T.38
6 : UserInput/basicString
7 : UserInput/hookflash
269 <H225 53> : Try signalling TCP connect (80.**.**.**:1720)
270 <Main 53> : TCP connect Timeout(0).
271 <H225 53> : Signalling TCP connect fail
272 <Q931 53> : Send FACILITY
273 <Call 53> : Terminated from(ffffffff) this(Local:UnreachableDestination) before(NULL) forced(0)
274 <CEP 000000> : DisconnectCall at Busy
275 <CEP 000000> : StopSignal
[270297.615] RTA(0/0/0) Rx AP_SVC_REQ nSvcElem=1 rawDataLen=0
[270297.620] VM(0/0/0) play mute
276 <CEP 000000> : Disconnect (0)
[270297.620] RTA(0/0/0) Rx CC_DISCONN_REQ CZ=0, peerId(0/0/0)
[270297.620] VM(0/0/0) vopp idle
[270297.620] VM(0/0/0) FXO OnHook
[270297.620] VM(0/0/0) Tx DISCONN_CNF
277 <NetEP 53> : Call TO <--------> terminated reason(Local:UnreachableDestination)
278 <CEP 000000> : Disconnected(16) at Disconnecting
[270299.190] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv detected
[270299.190] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[26]: 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 20 20
[270299.440] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone idle detected
[270299.440] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[25]: 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
[270299.700] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone actv detected
[270299.700] VM(0/1/0) CDTC pBuf[26]: 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19
[270299.700] VM(0/1/0) CDTC tone final detected
[270299.705] VM(0/1/0) vopp idle
[270299.705] VM(0/1/0) FXO OnHook
[270299.705] VM(0/1/0) Tx DISCONN_CNF
279 <CEP 000100> : Disconnected(16) at Busy
280 <Call 52> : Terminated from(100) this(Local:CallClear) before(NULL) forced(0)
[270299.705] RTA(0/1/0) Rx RS_CLOSE_REQ callId=52 ssId=1 dir=reve
281 <Chan 52> : Close - number(101) direction(receive)
[270299.705] RTA(0/1/0) Rx RS_CLOSE_REQ callId=52 ssId=1 dir=forw
[270299.705] RTA(0/1/0) close Media socket
[270299.705] RTA(0/1/0) close RTCP socket
282 <Chan 52> : Close - number(101) direction(transmit)
283 <Q931 52> : Send FACILITY
284 <Q931 52> : Send RELEASE COMPLETE
285 <NetEP 52> : Call FROM <voip.192.--.--.--> terminated reason(Local:CallClear)
286 <CEP 000100> : DisconnectCall at Idle
Собственно вот. По факту. Со своего add200D я звоню на дальний, тот отвечает, набираю номер второго FXO ** и "ломлюсь" на свой add200D. Мой при этом молчит, а дальний отключается.