GS 1002С Подскажите как сделать
Если прописывать connection plar то все работает, шлюз содиняет FXO с сервером, как только убираю connection plar и делаю маршрутизацию через translation rule выскакивает ошибка,
Подскажите в каком дебаге искать
Дебаг неудачного звонка когда
voice-port 0/3
ring detect-timeout 50
ring detect-timer 500
translate-incoming called-number 900
caller-id enable
caller-id type etsi
caller-id name disable
1056 <CEP 000300> : Call Received
1057 <CEP 000300> : Call Initiated : calledNumber() crv(0) total(0)
1058 <Call 52> : ****** Call Created status(InitiatedByFXO) ver(8.28:2
006-02-06-00-00) time(1303587532) ****
1059 <CEP 000300> : Decode CID :
1060 <CEP 000300> : Calling number()
1061 <CEP 000300> : Call id(cc2ab34d-abc1-8388-8082-0002a407911a) callNum(
1062 <Call 52> : Match check (MatchedAll)
1063 <Call 52> : MatchAllProcess After Sorted
<0> id(104) dest(78622644314T) prefer(0) selected(6)
<1> id(3561) dest(T) prefer(0) selected(0)
<2> id(3560) dest(T) prefer(0) selected(0)
1064 <Call 52> : Initiate callee with dial-peer(78622644314T) status(Ca
lleeDeterminedAll) id(cc2ab34d-abc1-8388-8082-0002a407911a)
1065 <NetEP 52> : InitiateOutCall: calledNum(78622644314) callingNum() t
1066 <NetEP 52> : DoCall: calledAddr(sip:78622644314@ call
1067 <SIP 52> : SetLocalAudioFormats : outbound(TRUE) hqaEnable(FALSE)
1068 <SIP 52> : SetLocalAudioFormats : myVoipPeer(104) is not NULL, co
1069 <SIP 52> : SetLocalAudioFormats : outbound(TRUE) hqaEnable(FALSE)
1070 <SIP 52> : SetLocalAudioFormats : myVoipPeer(104) is not NULL, co
1071 <SIP 0> : No authentication information available
1072 <SIP 52> : Send INVITE Request
1073 <SIP 52> : Receive 100 Trying
1074 <SIP 52> : Transaction (56 INVITE) proceeding
1075 <SIP 52> : Receive 200 Ok
1076 <SIP 52> : Received INVITE OK response
1077 <SIP 52> : Send ACK Request
1078 <SIP 52> : SetLocalAudioFormats : outbound(TRUE) hqaEnable(FALSE)
1079 <SIP 52> : SetLocalAudioFormats : myVoipPeer(104) is not NULL, co
1080 <SIP 52> : Get SIP Audio MediaFormat : 8
1081 <Call 52> : Connected from(fffffffe)
1082 <NetEP 52> : Call with sip:78622644314@ established
1083 <SIP 52> : Check Event Relation code(200)
1084 <SIP 52> : Set Terminated Success for 56 INVITE
1085 <Main 000300> : Exception received from device.
1086 <Call 52> : Terminated from(fffffffd) this(Local:Management) befor
e((null)) forced(1) time(1303587532)
1087 <CEP 000300> : DisconnectCall at Busy
1088 <CEP 000300> : StopSignal
1089 <CEP 000300> : Disconnect (0)
1090 <SIP 52> : ReleaseWithBYE
1091 <SIP 52> : Send BYE Request
1092 <NetEP 52> : Call TO <sip:78622644314@> terminated rea
1093 <SIP 52> : Receive 200 Ok
1094 <SIP 52> : Transaction (57 BYE) completed
1095 <CEP 000300> : Disconnected(16) at Disconnecting
Вот как работает
voice-port 0/3
connection plar 78622644314
ring detect-timeout 50
ring detect-timer 500
caller-id enable
caller-id type etsi
caller-id name disable
<CEP 000300> : Call Received
1264 <CEP 000300> : Call Initiated : calledNumber() crv(0) total(0)
1265 <Call 57> : ****** Call Created status(InitiatedByFXO) ver(8.28:2
006-02-06-00-00) time(1303588059) ****
1266 <CEP 000300> : Decode CID :
1267 <CEP 000300> : Calling number()
1268 <CEP 000300> : Call id(db2cb34d-b68c-cfcd-8091-0002a407911a) callNum(
1269 <Call 57> : MatchAllProcess After Sorted
<0> id(104) dest(78622644314T) prefer(0) selected(11)
<1> id(3560) dest(T) prefer(0) selected(0)
<2> id(3561) dest(T) prefer(0) selected(0)
1270 <Call 57> : Initiate callee with dial-peer(78622644314T) status(Ca
lleeDeterminedAll) id(db2cb34d-b68c-cfcd-8091-0002a407911a)
1271 <NetEP 57> : InitiateOutCall: calledNum(78622644314) callingNum() t
1272 <NetEP 57> : DoCall: calledAddr(sip:78622644314@ call
1273 <SIP 57> : SetLocalAudioFormats : outbound(TRUE) hqaEnable(FALSE)
1274 <SIP 57> : SetLocalAudioFormats : myVoipPeer(104) is not NULL, co
1275 <SIP 57> : SetLocalAudioFormats : outbound(TRUE) hqaEnable(FALSE)
1276 <SIP 57> : SetLocalAudioFormats : myVoipPeer(104) is not NULL, co
1277 <SIP 0> : No authentication information available
1278 <SIP 57> : Send INVITE Request
1279 <SIP 57> : Receive 100 Trying
1280 <SIP 57> : Transaction (66 INVITE) proceeding
1281 <SIP 57> : Receive 200 Ok
1282 <SIP 57> : Received INVITE OK response
1283 <SIP 57> : Send ACK Request
1284 <SIP 57> : SetLocalAudioFormats : outbound(TRUE) hqaEnable(FALSE)
1285 <SIP 57> : SetLocalAudioFormats : myVoipPeer(104) is not NULL, co
1286 <SIP 57> : Get SIP Audio MediaFormat : 8
1287 <Call 57> : Connected from(fffffffe)
1288 <NetEP 57> : Call with sip:78622644314@ established
1289 <SIP 57> : Check Event Relation code(200)
1290 <SIP 57> : Set Terminated Success for 66 INVITE
1359 <Call 58> : Terminated from(fffffffd) this(Local:Management) befor
e((null)) forced(1) time(1303589594)
1360 <CEP 000300> : DisconnectCall at Busy
1361 <CEP 000300> : StopSignal
1362 <CEP 000300> : Disconnect (0)
1363 <SIP 58> : ReleaseWithBYE
1364 <SIP 58> : Send BYE Request
1365 <NetEP 58> : Call TO <sip:78622644314@> terminated rea
1366 <CEP 000300> : Freeback
1367 <SIP 58> : Receive 200 Ok
1368 <SIP 58> : Transaction (69 BYE) completed
1369 <CEP 000300> : Disconnected(16) at Shutdowned
1370 <SIP 58> : Set Terminated Success for 69 BYE