Здравствуйте !
Ситуация такая.
В конфиге на addpac AP100, прописаны следующие dial-peer и правила трансляции:
dial-peer voice 6 voip
destination-pattern 89.........
session target ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
session protocol sip
voice-class codec 711
no vad
dtmf-relay rtp-2833
translate-outgoing called-number 1
dial-peer voice 8 voip
destination-pattern 8[3-9].........
session target ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
session protocol sip
voice-class codec 711
no vad
dtmf-relay rtp-2833
translate-outgoing called-number 1
dial-peer voice 32 voip
destination-pattern [2-9]....
session target ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
session protocol sip
voice-class codec 711
no vad
dtmf-relay rtp-2833
translate-outgoing called-number 2
preference 1
! Translation Rule configuration.
translation-rule 1
rule 0 T 0126T
translation-rule 2
rule 0 T 0126xxxxxxT
При наборе межгорода, например 89059000000, в ответ короткие гудки.
Дебаг показывает следующее:
AP100# terminal monitor
AP100# 246 <CEP 000000> : Call Received
247 <CEP 000000> : Call Initiated : calledNumber() crv(0) total(0)
248 <Call 8> : ****** Call Created status(InitiatedByFXS) ver(8.28:2006-02-06-00-00) time(81291) ****
249 <CEP 000000> : Calling number(7xxxxxxxx22)
250 <CEP 000000> : Call id(8b3d0100-0110-2323-8014-0002a407b582) callNum(8)
251 <CEP 000000> : Disconnected(16) at Busy
252 <Call 8> : Terminated from(0) this(Local:CallClear) before(NULL) forced(0) time(81296)
253 <CEP 000000> : DisconnectCall at Idle
254 <CEP 000000> : Call Received
255 <CEP 000000> : Call Initiated : calledNumber() crv(0) total(0)
256 <Call 9> : ****** Call Created status(InitiatedByFXS) ver(8.28:2006-02-06-00-00) time(81300) ****
257 <CEP 000000> : Calling number(7xxxxxxxx22)
258 <CEP 000000> : Call id(943d0100-c417-1382-8016-0002a407b582) callNum(9)
259 <Call 9> : Digit(8) at InitiatedByFXS
260 <Call 9> : MatchedPartially
261 <Call 9> : Digit(9) at CalleeUndetermined
262 <Call 9> : MatchedPartially
263 <Call 9> : Digit(0) at CalleeUndetermined
264 <Call 9> : MatchedPartially
265 <Call 9> : Digit(5) at CalleeUndetermined
266 <Call 9> : MatchedPartially
267 <Call 9> : Digit(9) at CalleeUndetermined
268 <Call 9> : MatchedPerfect
269 <Call 9> : MatchAllProcess After Sorted
<0> id(32) dest([2-9]....) prefer(1) selected(5)
270 <Call 9> : Initiate callee with dial-peer([2-9]....) status(CalleeDeterminedAll) id(943d0100-c417-1382-8016-0002a407b582)
271 <NetEP 9> : InitiateOutCall: calledNum(89059) callingNum(7xxxxxxx22) target(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
272 <NetEP 9> : DoCall: calledAddr(sip:0126xxxxxx89059@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) callingAddr(7xxxxxxxx22)
273 <SIP 0> : No authentication information available
274 <SIP 9> : Send INVITE Request
286 <SIP 9> : Check Event Relation
287 <SIP 9> : ReleaseWithNothing
288 <Call 9> : Terminated from(fffffffe) this(Remote:InvalidNumber) before(NULL) forced(0) time(81311)
289 <CEP 000000> : DisconnectCall at Busy
290 <CEP 000000> : StopSignal
291 <CEP 000000> : Disconnect (0)
292 <NetEP 9> : Call TO <sip:0126xxxxxx89054@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx> terminated reason(Remote:InvalidNumber)
293 <CEP 000000> : Disconnected(16) at Disconnecting
294 <CEP 000000> : Call Received
295 <CEP 000000> : Call Initiated : calledNumber() crv(0) total(0)
296 <Call 10> : ****** Call Created status(InitiatedByFXS) ver(8.28:2006-02-06-00-00) time(81314) ****
297 <CEP 000000> : Calling number(7xxxxxxxx922)
298 <CEP 000000> : Call id(a23d0100-ba28-5b7d-8019-0002a407b582) callNum(10)
299 <CEP 000000> : Disconnected(16) at Busy
300 <Call 10> : Terminated from(0) this(Local:CallClear) before(NULL) forced(0) time(81314)
301 <CEP 000000> : DisconnectCall at Idle
Получается, что ни шаблон dial-peer 6, ни dial-peer 7 не срабатывают, и выбирается dial-peer 32, и это неправильно, пытался выставить приоритеты с помощью preference, не помогает.
В чем может быть причина такого поведения и как это исправить ?