Addpac GS1002 обрыв исходящего GSM разговора на 120 секунде при звонке не определяется время начала разговора и не идет его тайминг, входящие по GSM порту проходят нормально, причем по FXO все окей в обе стороны.
Настройки и GSM и FXO идентичны
Дебаг исходящего звонка на GSM
GS1002# terminal monitor
GS1002# debug voip call
GS1002# 1 <Call 42> : ****** Call Created status(InitiatedByNet) ver(8.51:2011-02-06-00-00) time(1408670039) ****
2 <SIP 42> : Receive INVITE Request
3 <NetCon 42> : Found inbound voip peer by IP address id(1)
4 <Call 42> : From Net - calledParty(0289990008888) callingParty(105)
5 <Call 42> : MatchedAll
6 <Call 42> : MatchAllProcess After Sorted
<0> id(901) dest(02T) prefer(0) selected(12)
7 <Call 42> : Initiate callee with dial-peer(02T) status(CalleeDeterminedAll) id(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
8 <CEP 000100> : InitiateOutCall : calledNum(0289990008888), callingNum(105), callerPort(ffffffff) type(GSM)
9 <CEP 000100> : Outbound call to CEP callId(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) callNum(42)
10 <SIP 42> : SetLocalAudioFormats : outbound(FALSE) hqaEnable(FALSE)
11 <SIP 42> : SetLocalAudioFormats : myVoipPeer(1) is not NULL, voiceCodecClass(0)
12 <PhonePlay 42> : Audio Count(1)
13 <PhonePlay 42> : rtpSessionId(1) Second Audio Port(-1)
14 <SIP 42> : SetAlerting
15 <Call 42> : PreConnected from(100)
16 <SIP 42> : SetLocalAudioFormats : outbound(FALSE) hqaEnable(FALSE)
17 <SIP 42> : SetLocalAudioFormats : myVoipPeer(1) is not NULL, voiceCodecClass(0)
18 <SIP 42> : Add Local Audio MediaFormat : 8
19 <Time 42> : Call Forwarding No Answer timer timeout.
20 <CEP 000100> : Disconnected(16) at Busy
21 <Call 42> : Terminated from(100) this(Local:CallClear) before(NULL) forced(0) time(1408670160)
22 <NetEP 42> : Call FROM <Maltsev IS SoftF> terminated reason(Local:CallClear)
23 <CEP 000100> : DisconnectCall at Idle
24 <SIP 42> : Receive ACK Request
25 <SIP 42> : Set Terminated Success for 102 INVITE
Исходящий на FXO (нормальный)
GS1002# 26 <Call 43> : ****** Call Created status(InitiatedByNet) ve r(8.51:2011-02-06-00-00) time(1408670420) ****
27 <SIP 43> : Receive INVITE Request
28 <NetCon 43> : Found inbound voip peer by IP address id(1)
29 <Call 43> : From Net - calledParty(04226729) callingParty(101)
30 <Call 43> : MatchedAll
31 <Call 43> : MatchAllProcess After Sorted
<0> id(903) dest(04T) prefer(0) selected(4)
32 <Call 43> : Initiate callee with dial-peer(04T) status(CalleeDeter minedAll) id(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
33 <CEP 000300> : InitiateOutCall : calledNum(226729), callingNum(101), callerPort(ffffffff) type(FXO)
34 <CEP 000300> : Outbound call to CEP callId(00000000-0000-0000-0000-00 0000000000) callNum(43)
35 <SIP 43> : SetLocalAudioFormats : outbound(FALSE) hqaEnable(FALSE )
36 <SIP 43> : SetLocalAudioFormats : myVoipPeer(1) is not NULL, voic eCodecClass(0)
37 <PhonePlay 43> : Audio Count(1)
38 <PhonePlay 43> : rtpSessionId(1) Second Audio Port(-1)
39 <SIP 43> : SetAlerting
40 <Call 43> : PreConnected from(300)
41 <SIP 43> : SetLocalAudioFormats : outbound(FALSE) hqaEnable(FALSE )
42 <SIP 43> : SetLocalAudioFormats : myVoipPeer(1) is not NULL, voic eCodecClass(0)
43 <SIP 43> : Add Local Audio MediaFormat : 8
44 <Call 43> : Connected from(300)
45 <SIP 43> : SetConnected
46 <SIP 43> : SetLocalAudioFormats : outbound(FALSE) hqaEnable(FALSE )
47 <SIP 43> : SetLocalAudioFormats : myVoipPeer(1) is not NULL, voic eCodecClass(0)
48 <SIP 43> : Add Local Audio MediaFormat : 8
49 <SIP 43> : ACK received
50 <SIP 43> : Receive ACK Request
51 <SIP 43> : Set Terminated Success for 102 INVITE
52 <SIP 43> : Receive BYE Request
53 <SIP 43> : ReleaseWithNothing
54 <Call 43> : Terminated from(fffffffe) this(Remote:CallClear) before(NULL) forced(0) time(1408670517)
55 <CEP 000300> : DisconnectCall at Busy
56 <CEP 000300> : StopSignal
57 <CEP 000300> : Disconnect (0)
58 <NetEP 43> : Call FROM <Maltsev IS> terminated reason(Remote:CallClear)
59 <CEP 000300> : Disconnected(16) at Disconnecting
60 <CEP 000300> : Call Received
61 <CEP 000300> : Disconnected(16) at Busy
настройки Addpac GS1002 согласно
http://awsswa.livejournal.com/tag/addpa ... 004%20peer
! APOS(tm) configuration saved from vty
! 2014/08/21 23:42:35
version 8.51.010
hostname GS1002
clock timezone Chita 10
username root password router administrator
username guest password guest user
script ntpdate default
resynchronize 1 0
server ip us.pool.ntp.org
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
speed auto
no qos-control
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
speed auto
no qos-control
interface FastEthernet0/1:1
ip address
ip route 10
ftp server
http server
logging command
logging event 4-warning
logging on
! VoIP configuration.
! Voice service voip configuration.
voice service voip
protocol sip
dtmf-relay rfc-2833
fax protocol t38 redundancy 0
fax rate 9600
h323 call start fast
h323 call tunnel enable
timeout tinit 15
timeout tidt 5
static-jitter-buffer 35
no call-barring unconfigured-ip-address
no voip-inbound-call-barring enable
! Voice port configuration.
voice-port 0/0
connection plar 201
caller-id enable
caller-id name disable
voice-port 0/1
connection plar 202
caller-id enable
caller-id name disable
voice-port 0/2
connection plar 203
ring detect-timeout 80
caller-id enable
caller-id name disable
voice-port 0/3
connection plar 204
ring detect-timeout 80
caller-id enable
caller-id name disable
! service port group configuration.
! Pots peer configuration.
dial-peer voice 900 pots
destination-pattern 01T
port 0/0
no register e164
translate-outgoing called-number 900
dial-peer voice 901 pots
destination-pattern 02T
port 0/1
no register e164
translate-outgoing called-number 901
dial-peer voice 902 pots
destination-pattern 03T
port 0/2
no register e164
translate-outgoing called-number 902
dial-peer voice 903 pots
destination-pattern 04T
port 0/3
no register e164
translate-outgoing called-number 903
! Voip peer configuration.
dial-peer voice 1 voip
destination-pattern 201
session target ip
session protocol sip
voice-class codec 0
no vad
dtmf-relay rtp-2833
no sid
dial-peer voice 2 voip
destination-pattern 202
session target ip
session protocol sip
voice-class codec 0
no vad
dtmf-relay rtp-2833
no sid
dial-peer voice 3 voip
destination-pattern 203
session target ip
session protocol sip
voice-class codec 0
no vad
dtmf-relay rtp-2833
no sid
dial-peer voice 4 voip
destination-pattern 204
session target ip
session protocol sip
voice-class codec 0
no vad
dtmf-relay rtp-2833
no sid
! Gateway configuration.
h323-id voip.
no ignore-msg-from-other-gk
! Codec classes configuration.
voice class codec 0
codec preference 1 g711alaw
codec preference 2 g711alaw
codec preference 3 g729
! Translation Rule configuration.
translation-rule 900
rule 0 01T T
translation-rule 901
rule 0 02T T
translation-rule 902
rule 1 03T T
translation-rule 903
rule 0 03T T
! SIP UA configuration.
sip-server 5060 126
! Tones
! SMS delivery configuration
line console
line vty
mobile dev-restart-by-unreg 300
no mobile dev-restart-by-unknown-error
mobile cell-monitor 30
mobile 0/0
gsm sms-language utf8
mobile 0/1
gsm sms-language utf8