Подскажите пожалуйста. При исходящих соединениях используется сжатый кодек G729-8k, а при входящих - не сжатый G711alaw-64k. Пытался отключать таблицу Voice-class и устанавливать конкретно кодек G729 командой codec на dial-peer VoIP, но ничего не помогает. Все равно входящее соеднинение устанавливается на G711alaw, хотя в мануале написано, что при несовпадении codec`а вызов не пройдет.
В чем проблема?
Можно ли заставить входящее соединение на G729-8k? Вообще каким образом два шлюза договариваются на каком кодеке "разговаривать"?
Спасибо, очень поможете, если разъясните.
Это debug исходящего (нормального соединения)
Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #7)
160 <SIP 243> : Send 404 Response
161 <CEP 000000> : Call Received
162 <CEP 000000> : Call Initiated : calledNumber() crv(0) total(0)
163 <Call 244> : ****************** Call Created status(InitiatedByFXS) *******************
164 <CEP 000000> : Calling number(74959823057)
165 <CEP 000000> : Call id(a14f5b5a-ac3c-57cb-80f8-0002a401c78a) callNum(244)
166 <Call 244> : Digit(0) at InitiatedByFXS
167 <Call 244> : MatchedPartially
168 <Call 244> : Digit(0) at CalleeUndetermined
169 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
170 <Call 244> : Digit(7) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
171 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
172 <SIP 243> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #8)
173 <SIP 243> : Send 404 Response
174 <Call 244> : Digit(9) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
175 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
176 <Call 244> : Digit(5) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
177 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
178 <Call 244> : Digit(1) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
179 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
180 <Call 244> : Digit(2) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
181 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
182 <SIP 243> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #9)
183 <SIP 243> : Send 404 Response
184 <Call 244> : Digit(9) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
185 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
186 <Call 244> : Digit(6) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
187 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
188 <Call 244> : Digit(9) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
189 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
190 <Call 244> : Digit(1) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
191 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
192 <Call 244> : Digit(0) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
193 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
194 <Call 244> : Digit(4) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
195 <Call 244> : MatchedAll
196 <Call 245> : ****************** Call Created status(InitiatedByNet) *******************
197 <SIP 245> : Receive INVITE Request
198 <NetCon 245> : Can not found suitable inbound voip peer - apply default
199 <Call 245> : From Net - calledParty(0041225184741) callingParty(8719)
200 <Call 245> : Unmatched
201 <Call 245> : Terminated from(fffffff7) this(Local:InvalidNumber) before(NULL) forced(0)
202 <NetEP 245> : Call TO <> terminated reason(Local:InvalidNumber)
203 <Time 244> : Inter digit timer timeout.
204 <Call 244> : Digit(#) at CalleeDeterminedWaitDigit
205 <Call 244> : MatchAllProcess After Sorted
<0> id(503) dest(00T) prefer(0) selected(5)
206 <Call 244> : Initiate callee with dial-peer(00T) status(CalleeDeterminedAll) id(a14f5b5a-ac3c-57cb-80f8-0002a401c78a)
207 <NetEP 244> : InitiateOutCall: calledNum(0079512969104) callingNum(74959823057) target(
208 <NetEP 244> : DoCall: calledAddr(88879512969104@ callingAddr(88874959823057)
209 <H323 244> : local capabilities.
number of capabilities = 4
1 : g729-8k
2 : T.38
3 : UserInput/basicString
4 : UserInput/hookflash
210 <H225 244> : Try signalling TCP connect (
211 <H225 244> : Signalling TCP connect success (244)
212 <Q931 244> : Send SETUP
213 <Q931 244> : Received CALL PROCEEDING
214 <H225 244> : Remote Endpoint (MERA mh323,2.0.1,9,0,31415)
215 <Chan 244> : Open - number(201) direction(receive) session(voice) codec(g729-8k)
- Local : Data(23490) Cont(23491) Addr(
- Remote : Data(23962) Cont(23963) DataAddr( ContAddr(
216 <Q931 244> : Received PROGRESS
217 <H225 244> : Remote Endpoint (MERA mh323,2.0.1,9,0,31415)
218 <Q931 244> : Received Progress Indicator : desc(8), coding(0), location(0)
219 <H245 244> : Send TCS request.
220 <Q931 244> : Send FACILITY
221 <H245 244> : Send MSD request.
222 <Q931 244> : Send FACILITY
223 <Call 244> : Progress from(ffffffff)
224 <SIP 245> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #1)
225 <SIP 245> : Send 404 Response
226 <Q931 244> : Received FACILITY
227 <H245 244> : Received TCS request.
228 <H245 244> : remote capabilities matching to local capabilities.
number of capabilities = 4
1 : g729-8k
2 : T.38
3 : UserInput/basicString
4 : UserInput/hookflash
229 <H245 244> : Send TCS ack.
230 <Q931 244> : Send FACILITY
231 <Q931 244> : Received FACILITY
232 <H245 244> : Received TCS ack..
233 <Q931 244> : Received FACILITY
234 <H245 244> : Received MSD ack.
235 <H245 244> : Send MSD ack.
236 <Q931 244> : Send FACILITY
237 <SIP 245> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #2)
238 <SIP 245> : Send 404 Response
239 <SIP 245> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #3)
240 <SIP 245> : Send 404 Response
241 <Call 246> : ****************** Call Created status(InitiatedByNet) *******************
242 <SIP 246> : Receive INVITE Request
243 <NetCon 246> : Can not found suitable inbound voip peer - apply default
244 <Call 246> : From Net - calledParty(1390239297988) callingParty('-=-')
245 <Call 246> : Unmatched
246 <Call 246> : Terminated from(fffffff7) this(Local:InvalidNumber) before(NULL) forced(0)
247 <NetEP 246> : Call TO <> terminated reason(Local:InvalidNumber)
248 <SIP 245> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #4)
249 <SIP 245> : Send 404 Response
250 <SIP 246> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #1)
251 <SIP 246> : Send 404 Response
252 <SIP 246> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #2)
253 <SIP 246> : Send 404 Response
254 <Q931 244> : Received RELEASE COMPLETE
255 <Chan 244> : Close - number(201) direction(receive)
256 <Call 244> : Terminated from(ffffffff) this(Remote:NoBandwidth) before(NULL) forced(0)
257 <CEP 000000> : StopSignal
258 <CEP 000000> : Disconnect (0)
259 <NetEP 244> : Call TO <> terminated reason(Remote:NoBandwidth)
А это входящего (на "тяжелом" кодеке)
1345 <SIP 286> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #7)
1346 <SIP 286> : Send 404 Response
1347 <Call 288> : ****************** Call Created status(InitiatedByNet) *******************
1348 <NetCon 288> : Can not found suitable inbound voip peer - apply default
1349 <H323 288> : local capabilities.
number of capabilities = 7
1 : g7231A-6.3k
2 : g729-8k
3 : g711ulaw-64k
4 : g711alaw-64k
5 : T.38
6 : UserInput/basicString
7 : UserInput/hookflash
1350 <H225 288> : Remote Endpoint (MERA RTU,4.7.2-10,9,0,31415)
1351 <Q931 288> : Received SETUP from ( : FastStart(1) Tunneling(1)
1352 <Call 288> : From Net - calledParty(74959823057) callingParty(79212838002)
1353 <Call 288> : MatchedPerfect
1354 <Call 288> : MatchAllProcess After Sorted
<0> id(200) dest(74959823057) prefer(0) selected(1)
<1> id(100) dest(74959823057) prefer(0) selected(0)
1355 <Call 288> : Initiate callee with dial-peer(74959823057) status(CalleeDeterminedAll) id(e56ed74a-f910-11e7-9291-0015174f0708)
1356 <CEP 000100> : InitiateOutCall : calledNum(), callingNum(79212838002), callerPort(ffffffff) type(FXS)
1357 <CEP 000100> : Outbound call to CEP callId(e56ed74a-f910-11e7-9291-0015174f0708) callNum(288)
1358 <Chan 288> : Open - number(101) direction(transmit) session(voice) codec(g711alaw-64k)
- Local : Data(23576) Cont(23577) Addr(
- Remote : Data(31304) Cont(31305) DataAddr( ContAddr(
1359 <Q931 288> : Send CALL PROCEEDING
1360 <Q931 288> : build ALERTING (without h245 address)
1361 <Q931 288> : Send ALERTING (fast)
1362 <Q931 288> : Received RELEASE COMPLETE
1363 <Chan 288> : Close - number(101) direction(transmit)
1364 <Call 288> : Terminated from(ffffffff) this(Remote:CallClear) before(NULL) forced(0)
1365 <CEP 000100> : StopSignal
1366 <CEP 000100> : Disconnect (0)
1367 <NetEP 288> : Call FROM <> terminated reason(Remote:CallClear)
1368 <CEP 000100> : Disconnected(16)
1369 <SIP 287> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #6)
1370 <SIP 287> : Send 404 Response
1371 <SIP 286> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #8)
1372 <SIP 286> : Send 404 Response
1373 <SIP 287> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #7)
1374 <SIP 287> : Send 404 Response
1375 <SIP 286> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #9)
1376 <SIP 286> : Send 404 Response
1377 <SIP 287> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #8)
1378 <SIP 287> : Send 404 Response
1379 <SIP 287> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #9)
1380 <SIP 287> : Send 404 Response
1381 <Call 289> : ****************** Call Created status(InitiatedByNet) *******************
1382 <NetCon 289> : Can not found suitable inbound voip peer - apply default
1383 <H323 289> : local capabilities.
number of capabilities = 7
1 : g7231A-6.3k
2 : g729-8k
3 : g711ulaw-64k
4 : g711alaw-64k
5 : T.38
6 : UserInput/basicString
7 : UserInput/hookflash
1384 <H225 289> : Remote Endpoint (MERA RTU,4.7.2-10,9,0,31415)
1385 <Q931 289> : Received SETUP from ( : FastStart(1) Tunneling(1)
1386 <Call 289> : From Net - calledParty(74959823057) callingParty(79021352771)
1387 <Call 289> : MatchedPerfect
1388 <Call 289> : MatchAllProcess After Sorted
<0> id(100) dest(74959823057) prefer(0) selected(0)
<1> id(200) dest(74959823057) prefer(0) selected(2)
1389 <Call 289> : Initiate callee with dial-peer(74959823057) status(CalleeDeterminedAll) id(f12043a8-f910-11e7-92a7-0015174f0708)
1390 <CEP 000000> : InitiateOutCall : calledNum(), callingNum(79021352771), callerPort(ffffffff) type(FXS)
1391 <CEP 000000> : Outbound call to CEP callId(f12043a8-f910-11e7-92a7-0015174f0708) callNum(289)
1392 <Chan 289> : Open - number(101) direction(transmit) session(voice) codec(g711alaw-64k)
- Local : Data(23578) Cont(23579) Addr(
- Remote : Data(24344) Cont(24345) DataAddr( ContAddr(
1393 <Q931 289> : Send CALL PROCEEDING
1394 <Q931 289> : build ALERTING (without h245 address)
1395 <Q931 289> : Send ALERTING (fast)
1396 <Q931 289> : Received FACILITY
1397 <H245 289> : Received TCS request.
1398 <H245 289> : remote capabilities matching to local capabilities.
number of capabilities = 6
1 : g711alaw-64k
2 : g711ulaw-64k
3 : g729-8k
4 : T.38
5 : UserInput/hookflash
6 : UserInput/basicString
1399 <H245 289> : Send TCS request.
1400 <Q931 289> : Send FACILITY
1401 <H245 289> : Send TCS ack.
1402 <Q931 289> : Send FACILITY
1403 <Call 290> : ****************** Call Created status(InitiatedByNet) *******************
1404 <SIP 290> : Receive INVITE Request
1405 <NetCon 290> : Can not found suitable inbound voip peer - apply default
1406 <Call 290> : From Net - calledParty(0041225184741) callingParty(8742)
1407 <Call 290> : Unmatched
1408 <Call 290> : Terminated from(fffffff7) this(Local:InvalidNumber) before(NULL) forced(0)
1409 <NetEP 290> : Call TO <> terminated reason(Local:InvalidNumber)
1410 <Q931 289> : Received FACILITY
1411 <H245 289> : Received TCS ack..
1412 <Q931 289> : Received FACILITY
1413 <H245 289> : Received MSD request.
1414 <H245 289> : Send MSD ack.
1415 <Q931 289> : Send FACILITY
1416 <Q931 289> : Received FACILITY
1417 <H245 289> : Received MSD ack.
1418 <SIP 290> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #1)
1419 <SIP 290> : Send 404 Response
1420 <Call 291> : ****************** Call Created status(InitiatedByNet) *******************
1421 <SIP 291> : Receive INVITE Request
1422 <NetCon 291> : Can not found suitable inbound voip peer - apply default
1423 <Call 291> : From Net - calledParty(900900390239297988) callingParty('-=-')
1424 <Call 291> : Unmatched
1425 <Call 291> : Terminated from(fffffff7) this(Local:InvalidNumber) before(NULL) forced(0)
1426 <NetEP 291> : Call TO <> terminated reason(Local:InvalidNumber)
1427 <SIP 290> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #2)
1428 <SIP 290> : Send 404 Response
1429 <Call 289> : Connected from(0)
1430 <Call 289> : Connected from(ffffffff)
1431 <NetEP 289> : Call with established
1432 <Chan 289> : Open - number(401) direction(receive) session(voice) codec(g711alaw-64k)
- Local : Data(23578) Cont(23579) Addr(
- Remote : Data(24344) Cont(24345) DataAddr( ContAddr(
1433 <Q931 289> : Send CONNECT
1434 <SIP 291> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #1)
1435 <SIP 291> : Send 404 Response
1436 <SIP 291> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #2)
1437 <SIP 291> : Send 404 Response
1438 <SIP 290> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #3)
1439 <SIP 290> : Send 404 Response
1440 <SIP 291> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #3)
1441 <SIP 291> : Send 404 Response
1442 <SIP 290> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #4)
1443 <SIP 290> : Send 404 Response
1444 <SIP 291> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #4)
1445 <SIP 291> : Send 404 Response
1446 <SIP 290> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #5)
1447 <SIP 290> : Send 404 Response
1448 <SIP 291> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #5)
1449 <SIP 291> : Send 404 Response
1450 <SIP 290> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #6)
1451 <SIP 290> : Send 404 Response
1452 <SIP 291> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #6)
1453 <SIP 291> : Send 404 Response
1454 <SIP 290> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #7)
1455 <SIP 290> : Send 404 Response
1456 <SIP 291> : Transaction Server (1 INVITE) Timeout (retry #7)
1457 <SIP 291> : Send 404 Response
1458 <CEP 000000> : Disconnected(16)
1459 <Call 289> : Terminated from(0) this(Local:CallClear) before(NULL) forced(0)
1460 <Chan 289> : Close - number(401) direction(receive)
1461 <Chan 289> : Close - number(101) direction(transmit)
1462 <Q931 289> : Send RELEASE COMPLETE
1463 <NetEP 289> : Call FROM <> terminated reason(Local:CallClear)
Возможно предоставил излишнюю инфу, не вполне корректно могу интерпритировать дебаги.